Dateiformate Zum Speichern Von Dokumenten

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Dateiformate Zum Speichern Von Dokumenten

Jun 7, 2017 - Wenn dies nicht der Fall, speichert Microsoft Excel die Datei im aktuellen. Das Dateiformat beim Speichern der Datei verwendet werden.

4.2.2 - Fixed crashes when importing/exporting on iPad - Fixed issue where sometimes selected files could not be deleted - Improved support for iWork and OpenOffice files - Improved PDF reader usability - Added a 'Passcode forgotten' option in Settings/FileApp - Many other small fixes and improvements 4.2.0 - Import files directly from other applications ( 'Import' option in the '+' menu ) - Export files to other applications ( 'Export' option in the long press menu ) - Laying ground for the next major version of FileApp, which will focus on tight iCloud integration. For this purpose, the current version already features a public iCloud space to which you can export files. Audio files are no longer encrypted when in a playlist to enable background playback - Various small fixes and improvements 4.1.0 - Virtual folders: files by name, date and type are now accessible as virtual folders from the main menu, ‘All Files’ section.

File sorting: sort any view by file name, size, or date - Scoped search: search the current folder or virtual folder, or all files - File encryption is now applied to the whole file system, not just to the ‘Secure’ folder - Passcode and sharing password are now stored in the keychain - Stability and memory management improvements. 4.1 4. 4.0.4 -Accessibility enhancements for the visually impaired ( voice over ) -Photos can now be imported directly from the file system via the '+' menu -'Select all' will now only select files of expanded sections -PDF annotations fix -Export to pdf fix -Max e-mail size can now be set in the Preferences -More/Delete contextual options now behave more like in iOS's mail application -Various media player enhancements and fixes( photo viewer and audio player ) 4.0.0 - New home screen and fresh iOS 7 look - FileApp can now be extended: all FileApp Pro features are available as Add-Ons. New File browser based Transfer Interface: drag and drop files through any Internet browser - All sharing options can now be accessed through the FileSharing button on the Home Screen - Username and Password for http and ftp file sharing - Added 'Swipe to Reveal' feature: swipe left on any file to access more options - New Photo Picker: can now select and import multiple pictures and videos in one go - Restored PDF Viewer choice - Increased stability - Memory management optimisations and bug fixes.


4.0.3 28. New home screen and fresh iOS 7 look - FileApp can now be extended: all FileApp Pro features are available as Add-Ons. New File browser based Transfer Interface: drag and drop files through any Internet browser - All sharing options can now be accessed through the FileSharing button on the Home Screen - Username and Password for http and ftp file sharing - Added 'Swipe to Reveal' feature: swipe left on any file to access more options - New Photo Picker: can now select and import multiple pictures and videos in one go - Restored PDF Viewer choice - Increased stability - Memory management optimisations and bug fixes. 3.2.2 18.

IOS 7 compatible intermediary release before design refresh due very soon! What's New in FileApp 3.2.2: - Added iOS 7 support. Bugfixes and stability improvements. New version with iOS 7 user interface is coming soon.

What's New in FileApp 3.2.1: - Fixed PDF reader bug on iOS 5. Fixed PDF reader zooming issues when toggling toolbars.

Dateiformate Zum Speichern Von Documenten

Files can now be copied from FileApp to FileApp Pro (and vice versa) via the pasteboard. What's New in FileApp 3.2: - Added all file managment actions, documents and folders can now be renamed, copied, moved individually or in batches, text files can be created and edited right from FileApp! - Upgraded to an all new awesome PDF reader with bookmarks support - Added instant image sharing to Twitter & Facebook - Intoducing system-wide Pasteboard - copy text and images, paste them to FileApp to create a file automatically! What's New in FileApp Pro 3.2: - Upgraded to an all new awesome PDF reader with bookmarks and annotation support - Added built-in PDF file conversion for MSOffice, OpenOffice, iWork, HTML, RTF files - Enhanced security with file encryption - iOS Data Protection now enabled in FileApp Pro - Upgraded to all new image editor with many filters and enhancements - Added instant image sharing to Twitter & Facebook - Intoducing system-wide Pasteboard - copy text and images, paste them to FileApp to create a file automatically! FileApp is now regionalised in Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian.

Major Update of FileApp and FileApp Pro! What's New in FileApp 3.2.1: - Fixed PDF reader bug on iOS 5. Fixed PDF reader zooming issues when toggling toolbars. Files can now be copied from FileApp to FileApp Pro (and vice versa) via the pasteboard.

What's New in FileApp 3.2: - Added all file managment actions, documents and folders can now be renamed, copied, moved individually or in batches, text files can be created and edited right from FileApp! - Upgraded to an all new awesome PDF reader with bookmarks support - Added instant image sharing to Twitter & Facebook - Intoducing system-wide Pasteboard - copy text and images, paste them to FileApp to create a file automatically! What's New in FileApp Pro 3.2: - Upgraded to an all new awesome PDF reader with bookmarks and annotation support - Added built-in PDF file conversion for MSOffice, OpenOffice, iWork, HTML, RTF files - Enhanced security with file encryption - iOS Data Protection now enabled in FileApp Pro - Upgraded to all new image editor with many filters and enhancements - Added instant image sharing to Twitter & Facebook - Intoducing system-wide Pasteboard - copy text and images, paste them to FileApp to create a file automatically! FileApp is now regionalised in Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian. Version 3.1.1 Bugfixes: - Addresses an issue with the application's passcode, preventing it to be recognised.

Version 3.1 New features: - Redesigned home screen - Imported files are now accessible through the local files section - Current song is now shown on the home screen - Added iPhone 5 and iOS6 support - Folders can now be sorted before files - Thumbnails are now generated for image files in the list views (can be turned off) Enhancements: - Better performances when loading/refreshing files - Memory optimisation Bugfixes: - Music is now resumed after a phone call - Fixed audio recording issues - Fixed a crash when transferring large files from the device using the FTP service. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. Notes: - Due to recent changes in Apple's Developer Tools, the iPhone 3G and iPodTouch 2 are no longer supported (iPhone 3GS is still supported). iOS versions lower than 4.3 are no longer supported.

We apologise for the inconvenience. What's planned for the next releases? We redesigned FileApp's home screen to prepare for the addition of network services. New cloud based storage providers such as DropBox, Google Drive, Sky Drive, WebDAV, FTP, etc. Will be progressively added. New features: - Redesigned home screen - Imported files are now accessible through the local files section - Current song is now shown on the home screen - Added iPhone 5 and iOS6 support - Folders can now be sorted before files - Thumbnails are now generated for image files in the list views (can be turned off) Enhancements: - Better performances when loading/refreshing files - Memory optimisation Bugfixes: - Music is now resumed after a phone call - Fixed audio recording issues - Fixed a crash when transferring large files from the device using the FTP service.

Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. Notes: - Due to recent changes in Apple's Developer Tools, the iPhone 3G and iPodTouch 2 are no longer supported (iPhone 3GS is still supported).

iOS versions lower than 4.3 are no longer supported. We apologise for the inconvenience. What's planned for the next releases? We redesigned FileApp's home screen to prepare for the addition of network services. New cloud based storage providers such as DropBox, Google Drive, Sky Drive, WebDAV, FTP, etc. Will be progressively added.